Why Life Insurance Should Be Part of Your Comprehensive Financial Plan Whether you're a new parent, a young professional, or approaching retirement, securing your financial future is more important than ever. One often overlooked but essential element of a robust...
Read research insights and thought leadership pieces related to all that we do for clients.
Educational Planning: A Crucial Part of Your Family’s Financial Plan
At Altus Wealth Management, we understand that planning for your child’s education is one of the most important components of a family's financial strategy. The cost of education continues to rise, making it imperative to start planning early. Educational planning...
Teeing Off into Golf Season: The Parallels Between Golf and Financial Planning
As April ushers in the warmer weather, golf enthusiasts eagerly dust off their clubs, anticipating the return to the greens. This month marks not just the bloom of spring but also the official swing into the golf season. Interestingly, the strategies behind a...
How the 2023 Social Security Cost-of-Living Increase Could Impact Your Tax Burden
By now, you’ve undoubtedly heard the news that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will increase benefits by 8.7% in 2023, which exceeds last year’s boost of 5.9%, and will be the largest increase since 1981. The annual increase to Social Security benefits,...
Do You Know What You Need to Retire? 8 Questions to Jump Start Your Retirement Planning
How much should you save for retirement? There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question because the amount of money needed to meet income needs in retirement is specific to each individual, and based on their unique life...
What the SECURE Act 2.0 Means for You
Congress passed new reforms at the tail end of 2022 that you’re likely to hear about in the news, so we wanted to communicate what this means for you. These changes were made to the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, enacted into...